Don't judge me for my past mistakes, Judge me for the person i've become
I think we have all heard the expression “don’t judge another person until you have walked a mile in their shoes”. I used to look at folks with eating disorders and just could not imagine what they were thinking and why they would do that to themselves, but I understand now.
Make sure any changing in your life is done for you and not nobody else... Don't put yourself down and be unhappy for some-one else's wants because aslong as they still judge you for your're past, you'll never be good enough in there eyes... These are most likely the people around you that need to change but won't....
I don't think I know anyone who hasn't made a mistake in their past. Yet some people still feel they can judge those who made a worse mistake than them (in their opinion!). Life's too short to not forgive. What we do wrong, makes us stronger. There's no such thing as the perfect person. Remember we're all strong because of what we've been through - strong enough to allow things to bother us or not, but also strong enough to move on and make ourselves a better person :)
A person should not be judged fot there past mistakes, they should be judged up on how they rectified there mistakes, how they bounced back from their faults and the effort their putting in to changing their ways an make sure they don't repeat the same mistake again...
dont judge me you only see what i choose to show you :D